
Mall traffic has declined precipitously in the last decade and the need to aggressively drive traffic via better experience is critical. But if you’re delivering a new experience and can’t measure its impact by shopper segment, how you can possibly succeed?

Digital Mortar lets you measure and optimize mall customer experience like never before


With large spaces, long linger times, and a mixture of anonymous and opt-in tracking needs, Malls have CRM, physical layout and traditional retail optimization use-cases for customer journey data:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) enrichment
  • Experience and marketing personalization
  • Mall event or promotion effectiveness measurement
  • Satisfaction and loyalty drivers identification
  • Join of customer behavior and voice with mobile surveys
  • Behavioral segmentation of your most and least valuable and loyal customers
  • Advanced heatmapping by volume, time spent and customer segment
  • Congestion pain point reduction

Selecting a set of use cases can help guide the right measurement configuration.



Malls typically don’t require high positional accuracy in measurement, but the ability to track journeys and define segments is essential. As a result, measurement hardware costs can be kept light and you may even be able to leverage hardware that you already have in place.

It’s critical to be able to measure experience usage and tie that to actual store visits and to USE that knowledge to continuously tune experience draws. It’s probably even more important to be able to track over-time repeat visitation. Optimizing for return visits is your ultimate KPI. We make sure you can do all that and more.

Anonymized vs Customer Measurement

Malls are like stadiums in that they can expect reasonable rates of WiFi access and, as a result, have a straightforward opportunity to deanonymize tracking. This opens up opportunities to build out CRM and digital marketing efforts designed to drive traffic. Adding tracking data delivers far better segmentation and relevancy and makes it possible to bring powerful remarketing techniques overall marketing efforts and store partner marketing programs.

In many instances -- for measuring engagement, traffic, mall usage patterns, tracking event effectiveness, etc., anonymous tracking will work quite well.

Ready to use behavioral analytics to increase mall traffic?


Why Digital Mortar

We’re the world’s leading experts in customer journey analytics AND we have the best technology platform (DM1) in the world for understanding on-location journeys and how to improve. That’s a winning combination.

Almost as important, we work with a broad array of measurement technologies that are conducive for mall environments – many that you might already have in place. We won’t shove a specific collection technology down your throat or make you buy equipment you don’t need.

If you have questions about choosing the right technology, deploying it, or building customer journey analysis for your unique set of problems, drop us a line!


The best time to start is now!