
Crowd Analytics Segmentation Capabilities

Visit-based segmentations bring clarity to KPIs and reporting and help stakeholders think more deeply about the business (which is, after all, the point of analytics). As I mentioned in my last...

November 7, 2023

By Gary Angel


LiDAR Sensors for People Measurement Review Series: Ouster OS0

Lidar has become a go to people measurement technology for Digital Mortar. Although lidar has numerous use cases including autonomous vehicles, mapping and robotics, in this review series we discuss ...

July 11, 2023

By Jesse Gross


Lidar and People-Measurement

Lidar sensors capture a three-dimensional image of a space. They shoot out invisible (infrared) beams of light and then measure how long it takes for the beam to reflect back. A single lidar sens...

June 21, 2023

By Gary Angel


People Measurement and Full Journey Shopper Analytics for Retail

Measurement is a key competitive in todays world. After all, what’s the point of investing in your stores, building out new experiences and merchandising, and hiring more Associates if you don’t ...

April 10, 2023

By Gary Angel


Use Cases for Realtime Alerting Based on People-Measurement, Occupancy and Crowd Analytics

Like most analytics and software tools, the biggest stumbling block for people-measurement platforms like our DM1 is translating tool into business use. That’s often a particular challenge for anal...

April 5, 2023

By Gary Angel


Realtime Alerting with People Measurement and Crowd Analytics: Performance is the Hard Part

These days, alerting isn’t all that complex. It’s trivial to integrate email and texting into an application – and supporting Webhooks isn’t much harder. This kind of integration used to be c...

April 4, 2023

By Gary Angel


Shopper Journey and PoS Integration : Mapping SKUs to the Store

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   The key to a successful integration of PoS data into Shopper Journey data isn't usually the join itself - it's having a good mapping of SKU to store....

June 13, 2022

By Gary Angel


Dynamic Real-time Associate Allocation

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Real-time store journey data creates opportunities to manage the store in ways that have never existed before. It lets managers or software dynamical...

April 19, 2022

By Gary Angel


Alerting in People-Measurement

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Real-time people-measurement creates an array of valuable operational and marketing opportunities. Those opportunities usually involve an alerting ca...

January 25, 2022

By Gary Angel
