
Putting Data Science Skin in the Reporting Game : The Measurement Minute #19 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #19 with Gary Angel : Analytic Reporting isn't just for your Users   Building Analytic Reports isn't just good for users. It helps address structural problems in ent...

August 12, 2018

By Gary Angel


Tools not Reports – It Really Makes a Difference : The Measurement Minute #18 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #18 with Gary Angel : Why Analytic Reporting Changes the Game   Most reports don't make a difference and they don't build analytics culture because they don't really...

August 8, 2018

By Gary Angel


What to do When Your Executives Don’t Understand Data : The Measurement Minute #16 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #16 with Gary Angel : Addressing Executive's Lack of Analytics Knowledge   Lots of senior folks aren't very data literate and came up through the ranks when that was...

July 31, 2018

By Gary Angel


Questions Not Answers : The Measurement Minute #14 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #14 with Gary Angel : Why Giving Executives Questions not Answers Builds Analytics Culture   You've surely experienced the pain of the Executive driven data fire-dri...

July 20, 2018

By Gary Angel


VoC Reporting is Like a Visit to Fresno : The Measurement Minute #12 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #12 with Gary Angel : Making VoC Reporting Better   Voice of Customer reporting is the neglected step-child in the BI/Enterprise Reporting world. It shouldn't be tha...

July 10, 2018

By Gary Angel


Why Change is the Best Measure of a VoC Program : The Measurement Minute #11 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #11 with Gary Angel : Change is Good   Far too many VoC programs are essentially static - asking the same questions over and over and over. Stop thinking scoreboard ...

July 2, 2018

By Gary Angel


Getting Voice of Customer (VoC) Right : The Measurement Minute #10 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #10 with Gary Angel : Getting Voice of Customer (VoC) Right VoC is a primary driver of more strategic analytics. But using it that way demands a shift from scoreboard metric...

June 29, 2018

By Gary Angel


Not all data is equally strategic : The Measurement Minute #9 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #9 with Gary Angel : What Analytics are Strategic? So if analysts aren't looking at the right stuff for driving enterprise strategy, what is the right stuff?

June 28, 2018

By Gary Angel


Lessons Learned from a Long Career in Analytics : The Measurement Minute #7 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #7 with Gary Angel : Lessons Learned from a Long Career in Analytics   Introducing a series of minutes on enterprise analytics - what's hard about doing analytics an...

June 25, 2018

By Gary Angel
