
Landfill or Goldmine? 42 Billion Devices and 80 Zettabytes of Data

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   IDC recently forecasted that by 2025 - not too long from now - we'll have 42 billion IoT devices in the field generating 80 Zettabytes (yeah - I ha...

July 9, 2019

By Gary Angel


The Power Dynamics of IoT

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   With great power comes great...power demand. Why the desire for edge-based compute power is double-edged sword. Almost every IoT installation has t...

June 7, 2019

By Gary Angel


SOM vs. SBC in IoT (sheesh!)

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   It may be an acronym trifecta, but understanding the difference between a SOM and an SBC is one of the first bridges you'll have to cross to IoT la...

May 30, 2019

By Gary Angel


Solving the Display Interaction Problem

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Shopper journey measurement is like most analytics. When you start to answer basic questions with the data - deeper ones immediately pop-up. And wi...

May 15, 2019

By Gary Angel


ML Model Coherence

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   When you use human annotation or data factory techniques to create ML training data, there's always a risk that your training data won't match the re...

May 5, 2019

By Gary Angel


Life is Pain

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   I recently did a series of tweets (then collected them in a blog) highlighting the steps in the enterprise analytics journey from initial attempts ...

May 2, 2019

By Gary Angel


From Data Science Studio to Production : A Model’s Journey

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   If building models is a snap (as per the last Measurement Minute), operationalizing them definitely isn't. In our work, moving models for ML Studio...

April 25, 2019

By Gary Angel


Machine Learning: Model building isn’t the hard part

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Machine Learning is at the stage just before widespread adoption when lots of potential users are worried about how hard it is. It isn't easy (not ...

April 23, 2019

By Gary Angel


Variation Bottlenecks – How Creative can Limit Analytics

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Analytics - and especially machine learning - require lots of variation. Often enough that's not a problem. But particularly when it comes to creat...

April 17, 2019

By Gary Angel
