People Measurement and Crowd Analytics for Airports

People Measurement and Crowd Analytics for Airports

By Gary Angel


April 7, 2023

Few environments are as complex for people measurement as airports. Like  a densely crowded small city in constant rush hour, airports are large, crowded, multi-functional spaces and the experience they deliver can make an enormous impact on passengers and their journey.


With Digital Mortar’s DM1 people measurement system, you can measure every aspect of your space from the customer perspective. What’s getting used. How usage plays out over time. What lines are like. How customer journeys unfold and what impact operational issues have on those journeys.

For airports, people measurement starts with flexible queue management. Lines are everywhere in an airport, and they are fundamental to the experience. And those lines often work very differently. You need queue management that works for everything from TSA to self-check in and our DM1 platform delivers endless configuration of queues and measurement.

It also provides deep operational analytics and real-time monitoring. So you know what’s slammed right now, and how often that happens. You can measure anything from food courts to restroom usage to global entry.

It’s even possible to do full flow analytics – to understand the journey from garage to terminal to gate.

And areas like retail or concession where you have a concentrated high-dollar investment, you can get correspondingly detailed analytics that can optimize every square foot of those dedicated spaces.

Our DM1 measurement platform is a single solution for every people-measurement problem you have.

All people-measurement starts with technology. We’ve found that no one technology will meet every measurement need you have. So Digital Mortar deploy sstate-of-the-art people measurement cameras, advanced LiDAR sensors, and even electronic tags and collectors to solve various parts of the people-measurement problem. WE combine all three into a single integrated platform – and make sure the every technology is PII sensitive and fully GDPR compliant.

If you’re focused on queue measurement, DM1 incudes flexible configuration to support almost any type of queue. Individual lines, snake lines, multiple lines dumping into single or multiple stations, even self-service. DM1’s queue configuration will handle it all.

Queue reporting is real time of course. The platform tracks within a second or two in most queue situations. And you have a variety of data cleansing and visualization options. DM1 also collects ALL that data and provides it in a powerful reporting interface, so you can analyze performance down to the minute.

You can also take advantage of everything DM1 people-measurement does while integrating the real-time or historical data into your own solutions. A full MQTT real-time feed supports public views and direct operational integration. The platform even has a public view builder, and historical data is available via a rich API down the individual event.

Still, it’s essential to think beyond queue measurement. There are many areas in an airport where it’s important to understand usage, occupancy and crowding. DM1 can measure ins/outs for spaces like restrooms where no internal measurement is possible. It can measure occupancy in large diffuse areas like baggage claim zones. It can measure seating occupancy in food court areas and public spaces. It can help you understand, monitor and even respond to problems because you can setup alerts on operational conditions to make sure that you’re constantly responding to problems and making sure resources are where they can do the most good.

And just like queue measurement, you can get all of this information in the platform or delivered via real-time or historical feed wherever you need it. From data lakes to digital signage.

And even though it’s called people measurement, you aren’t limited to people. With Lidar measurement, you can measure vehicles as accurately as you can measure people. From valet parking to taxi lines to curbside, you can monitor operations and take advantage of queue and occupancy tools ranging from reports to feeds.

These capabilities are all built on top of a full people-measurement operational pipeline: from robust data collection all the way to SMS alerting.

At the lowest level of the platform is a data collection system built to deliver the most accurate people-measurement possible. Built on state-of-the-art sensors it includes ML stitching to improve tracking consistency, smoothing to prevent bouncing-ball numbers, and person classification to support staff operational planning. After all, data quality is the most important attribute of any measurement system.

All that data flows through the mapping system allowing you to configure digital maps of the space however you like and however you need. These maps do more than make measurement of diverse queues and zones possible. They create an historical record of what you’ve tried and how it worked and they support powerful analytic heatmapping of your people-measurement data over time.

Out-of-the-box fully configurable alerts provide the cherry on the dessert – a simple, powerful tool for turning insight and monitoring in action.

Chances are, you don’t want the information to live entirely in DM1. That’s why the platform supports out-of-the-box standard feeds that provide the same real-time data the application uses to any application you want to consume it. The platform also provides full APIs into the historical data.

One of the most unique aspects of DM1? The whole solution can be delivered on-premise or in the cloud.

When it comes to managing a small city where’s it’s always rush hour, you have a lot of operational needs and questions. With real-time people measurement from Digital Mortar’s DM1, you get answers. To all of this and so much more.

To find out more, drop us a line – at

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