
We are always Sampling

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Sampling is a fact of measurement life. Even when we aren't consciously doing it, we're probably sampling. And it is the nature of sampling (even w...

September 3, 2019

By Gary Angel


IoT Security and Other Oxymorons

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Device security in IoT is notoriously problematic. Some of this comes from absurdly bad practice including web-connected devices running Linux vari...

August 23, 2019

By Gary Angel


Zen and the Art of Not Measuring

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   There's a cost to measurement - and not just in dollars. A trip to Banff and Jasper got me thinking about things we'd be better off not measuring. ...

August 12, 2019

By Gary Angel


The One IoT Headache Everyone Shares

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   When you put devices in the field, you open up a whole Christmas-tree full of boxes of IT problems. There is nothing - and I mean nothing - more frus...

August 11, 2019

By Gary Angel


Making the IoT Build Decision: Necessity is the Mother of Investment

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   If adding edge-based computing is the equivalent of making a build vs. buy decision in IoT (and it is) and if build is MUCH harder (and it is), the...

August 5, 2019

By Gary Angel


Purpose-Built vs General Purpose Computing in IoT

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   The difference between purpose-built IoT devices and deploying general-purpose Edge computing often involves you in decision that's kind of like a ...

July 31, 2019

By Gary Angel


IOT Basics: Purpose Built vs. General Purpose

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Several Minutes have gone down into the depths of IoT, so it's worth stepping back up to a high-level and thinking about IoT in general. The Minute...

July 30, 2019

By Gary Angel


Got a Minute?

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   In the unending quest for regular podcast content, the Minute makes the inevitable leap into interviewing. Sad. Unless, of course, you're being inter...

July 19, 2019

By Gary Angel


The One Analytics Conference You Really Shouldn’t Miss

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   There's a goodly number of analytics conferences and they each have their virtues. But if you love talking analytics, the one conference you really...

July 18, 2019

By Gary Angel
