
In-Store Measures of Shopper Enagement

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   If store and area pass-by traffic provide a measure of opportunity at the top of the funnel and PoS data provides the bottom of funnel, how do you fi...

May 17, 2021

By Gary Angel


Pass-by Metrics INSIDE the Store

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Pass-by traffic is an important metric in understanding store opportunity. But the principle of understanding opportunity via traffic applies inside ...

May 10, 2021

By Gary Angel


Measuring Pass-by Traffic to the Store and In the Store

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Discussion of area foot traffic and what’s an area leads pretty naturally into the next shopper journey metric on our list. Physical retail is heav...

May 2, 2021

By Gary Angel


Store Areas: The Fundamental Unit of Shopper Location Analytics is Geospatial

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   There's a hidden ambiguity at the heart of a metric like "Area Foot Traffic", because it's not always obvious what exactly an area is. In thinking ab...

April 19, 2021

By Gary Angel


Getting Started with In-Store Metrics : Area Foot Traffic

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   When you first start with in-store behavioral analytics it's best to begin with simple, fairly familiar metrics. That makes Area Foot Traffic a great...

April 13, 2021

By Gary Angel


The Store is a Black Box : Building a Measurement Framework for In-Store Shopper Analytics

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Most areas within the enterprise have long since honed in on a robust measurement framework for their discipline. Except for minor tweaking around th...

April 4, 2021

By Gary Angel


A Framework for In-Store Shopper Behavioral Reporting

In the past year, we’ve publish a bunch of posts on in-store shopper tracking technologies: how they work and how they compare. Technology matters. In a mature market, the differences between techn...

March 30, 2021

By Gary Angel


In-Store Analytics and Reporting : A Framework for Reporting in the Enterprise

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Reporting ranks right up there with the weather as something we love to complain about. And its no wonder, because a lot of enterprise reporting is f...

March 27, 2021

By Gary Angel


Reporting and Dashboarding for In-Store Analytics

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   A good measurement program starts with metrics and reporting. Starts, because metrics and reporting are themselves just the beginning of an analytics...

March 23, 2021

By Gary Angel
