
Solving the Display Interaction Problem

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Shopper journey measurement is like most analytics. When you start to answer basic questions with the data - deeper ones immediately pop-up. And wi...

May 15, 2019

By Gary Angel


ML Model Coherence

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   When you use human annotation or data factory techniques to create ML training data, there's always a risk that your training data won't match the re...

May 5, 2019

By Gary Angel


Scenes from an Analytics Journey

This past week or so I posted a long series of tweets based on my upcoming presentation at the Marketing Analytics Summit in Las Vegas. #MAS19   The presentation is structur...

April 29, 2019

By Gary Angel


Loss Prevention and Shopper Analytics

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   Combining loss prevention and shopper analytics sure looks attractive when you consider the cost and friction in duplicating your in-store camera i...

April 9, 2019

By Gary Angel


Prepping Geo-Location Data for Machine Learning

In my last two posts, I described the techniques we used to create and enhance an ML data set for supervised learning. In my next post, we finally get to the really fun stuff – building models. But...

February 27, 2019

By Gary Angel


GeoLocation Positional Accuracy and Its Challenges

To understand why ML became the centerpiece of our location analytics strategy you have to understand why we had a problem in the first place. In this post, I’m going to describe how traditional lo...

February 5, 2019

By Gary Angel


An In-Store Shopper Measurement Technology Decision-Tree

Making the Right Choice for Measurement Store Traffic and Shopper Journey   My last post described how store format impacts shopper measurement tracking technology decisions. Why is store ...

October 25, 2018

By Gary Angel


In-Store Measurement Technologies: Finding the Right Technology for Your Space

There are four or five different ways to collect geo-location data about customer/shopper journeys. Camera, Wifi, Passive Sniffer, Mobile App, and Active RFID all have unique characteristics that mak...

October 9, 2018

By Gary Angel


The Tech You Need for Store Attribution : The Measurement Minute #26 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #26 with Gary Angel : The Tech You Need for Store Attribution   So you want to include store shopper data in your attribution analysis. What's the appropriate tech? ...

September 19, 2018

By Gary Angel
