
More (or Less) in Common

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   VoC is a remarkably flexible research instrument when used creatively. Political research from More In Common illustrates how asking the unexpected...

July 1, 2019

By Gary Angel


Delivering Knowledge to the Organization: The Case for Analytic Reporting

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   If KPI's aren't interpretable, how do we provide the necessary context to a report to make it actionable? That's the job of model building - which is...

June 25, 2019

By Gary Angel


KPI (noun): Acronym for Keep People Ignorant

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Part of the problem enterprise's have had with reporting is a misunderstanding of what KPI's can accomplish. Too often, we end up sacrificing context...

June 25, 2019

By Gary Angel


Centralization Before Democratization

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Effective Democratization of Data requires...Centralization? That's the paradox of trying to get stakeholders to self-service. You can't, until you d...

June 18, 2019

By Gary Angel


Easy as Pie? The Failure of Reporting in the Enterprise

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Reporting is one of those things that everyone thinks are easy but that somehow always seem to end up not working very well. That turned out to be a ...

June 18, 2019

By Gary Angel


Tableau Rising…Hadoop Falling

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Data Viz and Data Management went in opposite directions this week - with Salesforce completing a massive acquisition of Tableau while key companies ...

June 12, 2019

By Gary Angel


The Power Dynamics of IoT

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   With great power comes great...power demand. Why the desire for edge-based compute power is double-edged sword. Almost every IoT installation has t...

June 7, 2019

By Gary Angel


SOM vs. SBC in IoT (sheesh!)

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel   It may be an acronym trifecta, but understanding the difference between a SOM and an SBC is one of the first bridges you'll have to cross to IoT la...

May 30, 2019

By Gary Angel


Getting Edgy – An Introduction to IoT Computing

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Technologies are only really interesting after they've passed through their time on the hype cycle. Here at Digital Mortar, we tried as hard as we co...

May 30, 2019

By Gary Angel
