
Analytic Reporting : The Measurement Minute #17 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #17 with Gary Angel : Analytic Reporting   Scrapping your existing reporting is often job #1 when it comes to building analytics culture. And to replace all that inb...

August 7, 2018

By Gary Angel


VoC Reporting is Like a Visit to Fresno : The Measurement Minute #12 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #12 with Gary Angel : Making VoC Reporting Better   Voice of Customer reporting is the neglected step-child in the BI/Enterprise Reporting world. It shouldn't be tha...

July 10, 2018

By Gary Angel


Getting Voice of Customer (VoC) Right : The Measurement Minute #10 w. Gary Angel

The Measurement Minute #10 with Gary Angel : Getting Voice of Customer (VoC) Right VoC is a primary driver of more strategic analytics. But using it that way demands a shift from scoreboard metric...

June 29, 2018

By Gary Angel


The Really Short Introduction to Digital Mortar and our DM1 Store Measurement Platform

Take a minute (okay – a minute and a half) to check out this video overview of our DM1 store measurement platform. It’s the shortest and crispest introduction we’ve produced so far.   ...

May 14, 2018

By Gary Angel


DM1: “How-To” Videos for Product Training

Over the last year, we’ve released a string of videos showing DM1 in action. These are marketing videos, meant to show off the capabilities of the platform and give people sense of how it can be us...

February 12, 2018

By Gary Angel


Bringing Real-Time Analytics to the Store

When we released the first full production version of DM1 in May, it was a transformational leap in customer location analytics. Now, six months later, we’re releasing the first major upgrade to DM...

February 12, 2018

By Gary Angel


“How To” Guides for Digital Mortar’s DM1 Store Analytics Platform

Over the last year, we’ve released a string of videos showing DM1 in action. These are marketing videos, meant to show off the capabilities of the platform and give people sense of how it can be us...

February 3, 2018

By Gary Angel


A Year in Store Analytics

It’s been a little more than a year now for me in store analytics and with the time right after Christmas and the chance to see the industry’s latest at NRF 2018, it seems like a good time to ref...

January 22, 2018

By Gary Angel


The State of Store Tracking Technology

The perfect store tracking data collection would be costless, lossless, highly-accurate, would require no effort to deploy, would track every customer journey with high-precision, would differentiat...

December 10, 2017

By Gary Angel
