
The Measurement Minute – Number 2 – In Store Tracking Technologies : No Ifs or Ands, lots of BUTs

The Measurement Minute with Gary Angel, CEO of Digital Mortar.   Today's take covers the different types of in-store tracking technology. Camera, Wi-Fi, Passive Sniffer and Mobile App... ...

June 1, 2018

By Gary Angel


The Really Short Introduction to Digital Mortar and our DM1 Store Measurement Platform

Take a minute (okay – a minute and a half) to check out this video overview of our DM1 store measurement platform. It’s the shortest and crispest introduction we’ve produced so far.   ...

May 14, 2018

By Gary Angel


Machine Learning and Optimal Store Path

My previous post covered the first half of my presentation on Machine Learning (ML) and store analytics at the Toronto Symposium. Here, I’m going to work through the case study on using ML to deriv...

May 7, 2018

By Gary Angel


Machine Learning and Store Analytics

Last week I spoke in Toronto at a Symposium focused on Machine Learning to describe what we’ve done and are trying to do with Machine Learning (ML) in our DM1 platform and with store analytics in g...

April 25, 2018

By Gary Angel


Accurate People Counting In Malls and Events – It’s not as easy as you might think

We spend a lot of our time at Digital Mortar explaining to folks why door-counting isn’t remotely sufficient to drive retail analytics. Implicit in that assumption is that people are doing door-cou...

April 6, 2018

By Gary Angel


Mobile App GeoLocation: Enabling Accurate In-Store Shopper Tracking without Adding Hardware

The hardest part about doing enterprise shopper journey measurement and analytics is data collection. Putting new hardware in the store is no joke – and yet it’s often necessary to get the measur...

March 28, 2018

By Gary Angel


Using Your Existing Store WiFi for Shopper Measurement

The most daunting part of doing shopper measurement isn’t the analytics, it’s the data collection piece. Nobody likes to put new technology in the store; it’s expensive and it’s a hassle. And...

March 20, 2018

By Gary Angel


Please Don’t Ask Us This Question!

I had a sales conversation a little while back where the client told me they were looking to be able to “tell which direction someone went when they came through the door.” And I remember thinkin...

March 1, 2018

By Gary Angel


DM1: “How-To” Videos for Product Training

Over the last year, we’ve released a string of videos showing DM1 in action. These are marketing videos, meant to show off the capabilities of the platform and give people sense of how it can be us...

February 12, 2018

By Gary Angel
