
Store Dashboarding with Behavioral Analytics

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Though the best uses of shopper measurement data often involve focused analysis to answer a specific business question, there's both a need and real ...

February 15, 2022

By Gary Angel


Measuring CES: A Case-Study in People Measurement Analytics with Digital Mortar’s DM1

Digital Mortar was at CES 2022 with our LiDAR partner Quanergy. As part of the booth, we setup several of Quanergy’s LiDAR sensors in the booth, giving us people-measurement coverage of a decen...

January 13, 2022

By Gary Angel


Associate Measurement in Retail Stores

Measuring Associates is a critical part of good store measurement. First, because understanding which person is an Associate and which is a Shopper is necessary to measuring Shopper counts accurately...

December 14, 2021

By Gary Angel


Retail Associate Measurement Strategies

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Measuring Associates is a vital part of effective in-store measurement. It's necessary to ensure proper shopper counting and it's interesting in it's...

October 13, 2021

By Gary Angel


Density Metrics and Store Layout Optimization

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   The traditional measure used to optimize space in store layout is sales per square foot. Optimizing sales per square foot doesn’t mean that the mer...

August 23, 2021

By Gary Angel


In-Store Shopper Metrics: Dependence and Independence

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   For shopper measurement, self-selection introduces massive biases in behavioral data. Different shopper populations behave differently not because of...

August 1, 2021

By Gary Angel


Building a Metric Framework for In-Store Shopper Journey Measurement

Most parts of the modern enterprise have long been translated into specific reporting frameworks that are well understood and time-proven. For a CFO, the head of eCommerce or the Manager of the Call-...

June 16, 2021

By Gary Angel


Velocity : Measuring Speed of Movement to Determine Shopper Engagement

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   Measuring the in-store funnel is all about inferring intent. And one of the hardest places to understand intent is distinguishing between potential b...

May 23, 2021

By Gary Angel


Getting Started with In-Store Metrics : Area Foot Traffic

The Measurement Minute by Gary Angel   When you first start with in-store behavioral analytics it's best to begin with simple, fairly familiar metrics. That makes Area Foot Traffic a great...

April 13, 2021

By Gary Angel
